Business Dashboard for Business Accounts

This article explains what a Business Dashboard is and how to use it for a Business Account. There is a video link below on how to use this tool. It's only available to business accounts with us.

As the administrator of the business account, you will want to keep track of your staff's progress with their alcohol certifications. Our Organization or Business Dashboard is an easy-to-use tool for checking on them and saving each certificate for your files.

  • Track your employees' progress with their certification
  • See who has started their certification course
  • Check on who has not completed their certification course.
    Use it to follow up and get them to complete it.
  • Check on who has completed their certification course
  • If they complete their certification, you can print each person's certificate from one webpage.

As a bonus to our California business accounts, the dashboard shows each staff person's RBS Server ID for your records. Use it to check and verify under your business California Alcoholic Beverage Control RBS portal.

As a quick tutorial, follow the steps below.

Login Info:

  • Login from our homepage at
  • From our homepage, click on the Sign In button at the top of the page
  • Enter your administrative login information
    • Username: your email address
    • Password: your password

Sign In / Login button with Serving Alcohol

  1. Login to your account as the administrator of the account.
  2. Click on Business Dashboard on the left.

  3. Scroll down the page to view all your certified employees.
  4. Click on the red PDF symbol for any of your employee's certificates.​

business account uses business dashboard to track staff members

When the PDF of the certificate appears, click on the Printer icon
or the down arrow to save it to your computer.


Our Business Account Dashboard #