Our online course has the approval of the PLCB as a necessary component of RAMP Certification.
Advantages of our online course:
Serving Alcohol offers our business account priority service, making RAMP Server/Seller Training easy for your staff.
Searching for employment, RAMP Server/Seller Training will help you land your next job quickly. RAMP Server/Seller Training has never been more accessible.
For restaurants, bars, or nightclubs, our business account offers a more cost-effective RAMP Server/Seller Training advantage for your business. Have your entire staff take their RAMP training online and utilize our Business Dashboard to track each of their course completions online with a discount.
We’ve even been recognized by Bar and Restaurant Magazine, and invited to speak at regulatory conversations concerning up-to-date industry changes. We believe that our training is of superior quality because it’s created using years of in-the-field experience and continuous training, all with a focus on keeping employees, businesses, and their surrounding communities safe and prosperous.
Click the following links below:
Your certificate is available immediately upon completing the approved RAMP Server/Seller alcohol Training course. This course gives you the tools to sell and serve alcohol responsibly.
Additionally, you will learn:
The course can be completed within 4 hours or less. We quickly guide you from beginning to end.
Our team believes that providing responsible alcohol training is more than a basic notion; it’s a responsibility and livelihood we take very seriously.
Our courses are developed by trained professionals with over 35 years of experience to ensure maximum impact on your staff and business. We are also proud to have a responsive and highly knowledgeable USA-based support team. They are available 7-days a week to answer any questions. Our customers regularly tell us how much they appreciate it, which is a big reason why they come back year after year.
As of 2016 the state Liquor Code now requires that anyone who sells or serves alcoholic beverages and/or checks IDs, including but not limited to bartenders, waiters, servers, certificate distributor salespersons, managers, security personnel, door persons, etc. – must complete RAMP Server/Seller Training within six months of being hired by a licensee, unless the person successfully completed RAMP Server/Seller training prior to being hired. This training is designed specifically for businesses that have a liquor license in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania to prevent the sale of alcohol to a minor or a visibly intoxicated person.
Over the last 35 years, we have alcohol-trained hundreds of thousands of individuals and businesses since 1985.
This website and online training program were not created by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB). However, this course has the approval of the PLCB as a valid curriculum for the Pennsylvania Responsible Alcohol Management Program (RAMP) server/seller training.
Please be advised that if you are currently employed at a Pennsylvania liquor-licensed establishment, you must enter the License Identification Number (LID) during registration to complete your RAMP training. Our course incorporates a tool to find your employer’s LID before starting the RAMP seller/server training. The LID number can also be found on the establishment’s liquor license. By providing this important number, your establishment will receive credit for your participation. If you cannot access the LID number, we provide a lookup listing tool for establishments with a License Identification Number (LID) within our course.
Legislation enacted on June 18, 2001, established the Responsible Alcohol Management Program, which is a voluntary state of Pennsylvania alcohol certification that provides incentives for licensees who participate and complete all five components of RAMP certification. It is the umbrella term used to describe this collection of training and resources available to licensees and their employees. Completion of the program provides state-approved certification to the licensed establishment for 2 years.
There are four prerequisites for RAMP certification which include:
• Owner/Manager Training
• Server/Seller Training
• New Employee Orientation
• Signage
The first component of RAMP certification is the completion of Owner/Manager Training by an owner and/or the PLCB-approved manager, those most responsible for daily operations and determining policies for a licensed establishment. Licensees may choose to complete the Owner/Manager Training online or in a classroom setting. Classroom training is offered by the PLCB weekly throughout Pennsylvania.
Note: Beginning October 1, 2021, the first time an individual enrolls in Owner/Manager Training, they shall enroll and attend the Owner/Manager Training in a classroom setting. Subsequent training may be completed in class, virtual, or online.
Newly approved managers of certain license types are required to complete Owner/Manager Training within 180 days of approval of the appointment by the PLCB unless the appointed manager has completed training within two years before being appointed a manager. Furthermore, the PLCB-approved manager must renew Owner/Manager Training every two years.
This component is the focus of this online training. To fulfill this requirement, at least 50 percent of the licensee’s alcohol service staff – including anyone who serves or sells alcohol and/or checks IDs, as well as owners or managers who perform these duties – must complete this training before RAMP certification can be granted. This percentage must be maintained at all times. Upon completion of the course, trainees are required to complete a course examination and receive a score of 80 percent or better to receive credit for this course. Training is valid for two years.
Licensees may choose to attend classroom training conducted by a PLCB-approved instructor or complete an online training course offered by a PLCB-approved provider. A list of approved trainers and online providers is available on the PLCB’s website. The list changes periodically, so please make sure you have an up-to-date list before scheduling training. Classroom training open to the public can be found in PLCB+.
Although server/seller training is one component of RAMP certification, this training by itself is also mandatory for:
• All staff serving alcohol at an off-premises catering event.
• All cashiers selling wine at an establishment with a wine expanded permit.
• All new alcohol service personnel hired on or after August 8, 2016, who are not RAMP-trained must be so w/in six months of being hired and be re-trained before their current training expires.
• All new alcohol service personnel hired on or after August 8, 2016, who are already RAMP-trained must be re-trained before their current training expires.
• All employees hired before August 8, 2016, who are not RAMP-trained but transfer into an alcohol service position on or after August 8, 2016 need to obtain RAMP training w/in six months of assuming their new duties.
The third component consists of orientation for all members of the alcohol service staff. Licensees are required to conduct a new employee orientation within 30 days of the employee’s hire. The PLCB will provide the orientation form and appropriate learning materials. It is the sole responsibility of the licensee to ensure that an owner, manager, or designated instructor conducts the orientation. Licensees shall maintain these records for all employees for the duration of their employment.
The fourth component consists of displaying posters or signs regarding responsible alcohol service. Appropriate signage is available from the PLCB. However, the licensee may use other signage, providing that it is equivalent in size, number, and content to the PLCB’s signage. Signage must be prominently displayed so that it can be easily observed by patrons. Licensees shall be responsible for posting and maintaining the signage at all times.
Signage must include, at a minimum the following information:
a. Acceptable forms of ID; and
b. Refusal of alcohol service to minors and visibly intoxicated patrons.
After successful completion of the four program prerequisites, the licensee must apply for RAMP Certification in PLCB+. The licensee will receive certification providing all requirements are met.
Once an establishment has become RAMP-certified, it’s up to management to maintain compliance by observing the following:
• If the owner or manager who completed the Owner/Manager Training changes, the new (or another) owner or manager has 60 days to complete training.
• If the number of server/seller-trained employees falls below 50 percent, additional employees must be trained within 60 days.
• New employee orientation must be completed within 30 days of the employee’s hire date (it is recommended that the orientation be completed on or before the first day of employment as a member of the licensee’s alcohol service staff).
• All new employees must be added to the alcohol service staff roster.
• The licensee must maintain the posting of signs at all times.
Note: Failure to maintain these guidelines may void the establishment’s certification.
• Knowledgeable, well-trained alcohol service staff and management.
• Recognition as a responsible licensee in your community.
• Possible liquor liability insurance discount.
• Less likelihood of dram shop liability.
• Possible reduction in the fines and penalties issued by an Administrative Law Judge to the licensee for serving a minor or a visibly intoxicated patron, as long as the licensee was in compliance at the time of the violation and had no citations for either of those two violations in the previous four years.