Question: I was wondering if there are any laws concerning the number of drinks a person can order at once.
For example, if we have happy hour from 4 to 6 p.m., and a person wants to order two rounds of drinks before happy hour ends to have the drinks delivered after 6 p.m., is there a law that states how many drinks a person can order, and are they able to “back up” the drinks they have to avoid paying prices after happy hour?
Answer: No state law restricts the number of drinks someone can ORDER; however, s. 125.07(2)(a) prohibits persons from selling, dispensing, dealing, or trafficking alcoholic beverages to or with a person who is intoxicated.
For example, if you sell someone 10 drinks all at once, you may not have violated the letter of the law, but a reasonable person could conclude if the person consumes all of these drinks in a short period, the spirit of the law may be violated.
I would encourage you to set house rules limiting the number of drinks one may order at a time; it makes good sense from a business standpoint and gives you control over customers’ consumption habits while in your establishment, where you are ultimately held responsible.
Age to Serve Alcohol
Question: I work for a golf course, and we have a minor (17-year-old). We wondered if she can serve liquor while under the supervision of a person with an operating license. Or does she have to be 18 before touching anything behind the bar? I am just curious after reading through things and not getting a really clear idea of what she can and can not do.
Answer: No. You must be at least 18 to sell or serve alcoholic beverages – s. 125.32(2) and 125.68(2), Wis stats.
Do I have to be over 21?
Question: If I am 20 years old and I am married, can I drink alcohol legally?
Answer: If your spouse is over the age of 21 and you are accompanying her, you may be served, sold, and consume alcoholic beverages.
At What Time Should The Bar Close?
Question: I understand that bar time is 2:30 on Friday and Saturday nights and all drinks must be finished. But what I would like to know is if there is a certain amount of time that you must have all your customers out of the bar by? Do they need to be out by 2:30, or can you ensure they all leave by 2:45? Is there any leeway, and is it written anywhere?
Answer: Must leave by 2:30 AM; there is no “grace period” written into state law.
What do I do after I am certified?
Question: Once you complete a seller/server course and they send you certification, do you have to submit any other applications for a license to serve alcohol?
Answer: Upon completion of RBS program, you need to apply for a license at the municipality where you will be selling alcoholic beverages. Provide a copy of your RBS certificate to the municipality to show you have completed this requirement. You must have an operator’s license from the municipality before you can work alone at a licensed premises.
Do I Need A Bartending Certification?
Question: Is there anything required to be a server in Wisconsin? Are a server and a bartender the same? I want to get the right certifications.
Answer: Servers (Waiters/Waitresses), Sellers (Retailers), and Bartenders take the same course. Realize that if you work under the direct supervision of the licensee or another person with an alcohol operator’s license, then you do not need a license. To work without immediate supervision and serve alcohol, you will need a license.
Some municipalities may have different licenses for the specific roles, but I don’t know of any that do that. Learn more about Wisconsin Alcohol Laws through our online Wisconsin Bartender License Course.
Disclaimer: We are not offering legal advice, only questions answered by the State of Wisconsin, please follow up with your own research of the laws with the links provided.