Steps to Reopening: Part 2 – Handwashing

Steps to Reopening: Part 2 - Handwashing

Who would have thought that the simple act of handwashing (or telling someone to do so) would go viral? Not us! But alas, here we are. With many states guiding the process, we figured a quick reminder would be in order. 



Steps to Handwashing

  1. Wet your hands before applying antibacterial soap.
  2. Scrub for at least 20 seconds (see the video below for the best method).
  3. Rise the soap off in clean, running water.
  4. Dry your hands thoroughly.




Free Downloadable Handwashing Poster



To help facilitate the reopening process and assist in the training process, we’ll be offering a free PowerPoint presentation that has been made available with this *information that is free to download and reuse.



A quick reminder of the proper use of PPE!

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*(This material is not supported by any state or federal government and is not sanctioned by an authority on food handling safety.)