Kamikaze Cocktail Origins, Recipe, and More

In the vibrant world of cocktails, some concoctions have stood the test of time, intriguing drinkers with their unique names and distinctive flavors. One such drink is the Kamikaze, a popular choice among cocktail enthusiasts. In this article, we’ll delve into the origins of the Kamikaze drink, explore what makes it so unique, and provide you with a tried-and-true recipe to recreate this classic cocktail.

The Origins of the Kamikaze Drink

The Kamikaze cocktail is believed to have originated in the United States during the late 20th century, likely in the 1970s or 1980s. Its name is inspired by the Japanese word “kamikaze,” which translates to “divine wind” and historically referred to the typhoons that thwarted Mongol invasion attempts in Japan during the 13th century. The drink’s name reflects its reputation for packing a punch, much like the powerful winds that protected Japan centuries ago.

What's in a Kamikaze Drink?

drawn graphic of kamikaze cocktail and recipe

The Kamikaze cocktail is a simple yet flavorful combination of vodka, triple sec, and lime juice. Its citrusy notes and balanced sweetness make it a refreshing choice for any occasion. Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients:

1 ½ ounces vodka

½ ounce triple sec

½ ounce fresh lime juice

Ice cubes

Lime wedge for garnish (optional)

Kamikaze Shot Recipe

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.

Add the vodka, triple sec, and lime juice to the shaker.

Shake well until the mixture is thoroughly chilled.

Strain the cocktail into a chilled shot glass.

Garnish with a lime wedge, if desired.

Serve and enjoy responsibly!

Get Certified: Making a Kamikaze Cocktail!

Now that you know the history behind the Kamikaze drink and have the recipe, why not try making it yourself? Whether you’re finding new cocktails for the bar or simply craving a delicious cocktail, the Kamikaze impresses with its bold flavor and smooth finish. Get ready to stock up on vodka, triple sec, limes, and shake up your night with this iconic drink. Cheers to good times and great cocktails!

For more cocktail recipes and tips on responsible alcohol consumption, visit Serving Alcohol. Are you looking to get certified as a bartender? Look no further; we have you covered.