Arizona Alcohol Certification

Arizona Alcohol Title 4
Seller Server Training


Arizona Title 4 Alcohol Training

This Arizona alcohol training course is for on-site and off-site servers and sellers of alcohol. It instructs how to responsibly sell and serve alcohol and the Arizona alcohol laws regarding the service of alcohol. This is a course provided by an online training partner, Tap Series.

This course provides instruction on:

  • The social impact of alcohol
  • The impact of alcohol on the body
  • State laws and regulations relating to alcoholic beverage control including laws and regulations related to driving under the influence
  • Intervention techniques to prevent the service or sale of alcoholic beverages to underage persons or intoxicated patrons
  • The development of management policies to support the service or sale of alcohol to underage or intoxicated patrons

Staff members who serve or handle food should also be Arizona Food Handler certified as well.

ANAB-Accredited Online

Arizona Food Handler Card

Only $10.00

This course is not allowed for Manager Certification but can be used by non-management staff. Though non-management staff certification is not a legal requirement, many insurance companies offer discounts when all alcohol server staff have a certification in Arizona Alcohol Awareness training. This interactive online training course will provide you with the necessary tools and skills you need to ensure the safe and legal service of alcoholic beverages. Print your certificate immediately after you complete the training course.

The course is accessible 24x7 using a computer, tablet, or mobile phone and is the quickest and most enjoyable way to earn your alcohol service certificate. Due to the unique bookmarking feature within the course, you can log out at any time and restart later where you last left off. This flexibility has made our online course the #1 way to get certified as an Arizona Responsible Beverage Server.

Who Should Take Our Arizona Alcohol Certification

  • Bartenders
  • Barbacks
  • Servers & Wait Staff
  • Restaurant / Bar Supervisors
  • Restaurant / Bar Managers & Owners
  • Wine & Liquor Store Cashiers
  • Grocery Store Cashiers or Clerks
  • Store Supervisors, Managers, & Owners

Easily Complete It Today

Our alcohol training course is relatively easy and takes 3 hours or less depending on the individual. Begin and complete it in one sitting or take our training course at your leisure. Leave and come back to the course as many times as needed. When you return, the training will pick up where you had last left off.

Use Any Computer Tablet or Smartphone

This course can be completed on any computer, laptop, tablet, or cellphone. Your Arizona alcohol certificate is available to you immediately upon completion as an emailed PDF file. Complete it tonight and email it to your manager before going to work tomorrow. Select your course, click Enroll Now, complete the course, and print your certificate.

Our Arizona alcohol certification course gives you the tools to sell and serve alcohol responsibly. Additionally, you will learn:

  • The effects of alcohol on your patrons
  • Keep customers from becoming intoxicated
  • Intervene when you need to refuse a sale
  • Prevent intoxicated customers from disturbing others
  • Properly check IDs and recognize minors
  • Prevent second-party sales
  • Protect yourself and the establishment from liability


We cover topics in our Arizona bartending license certification about how old you need to be to become a bartender and how to become an Arizona bartender. For reference, we have a web page dedicated to some helpful bartender career statistics in the US. For general information on obtaining a bartending license (not specific to any state), see our Ultimate Guide to Getting a Bartending License.

Required By State & Insurance Carriers

Most liability insurance carriers for alcohol-serving establishments (restaurants, bars, taverns, nightclubs, etc.) will require all employees to be Arizona alcohol certified. They will require your staff to remain current with Arizona alcohol laws, regulations, and rules, in regard to the service of alcohol.  As a result, more businesses are requiring our alcohol seller server certificate as a condition of employment.

If you need help or have questions about your alcohol course, please contact Tap Series directly through the link here.

Most Recommended Arizona Alcohol Certification

We recognize that you are busy and Arizona alcohol training may not be at the forefront of your mind. We aim to give you accurate knowledge and quickly bring you "up to speed" with the most recent Arizona liquor laws. Some of our information may seem common knowledge. But, as you do, we take your profession very seriously. Your decisions, while serving alcohol, could make a dramatic difference in another person's life. With a little of your time and our training, we will help you become a safer alcohol seller or server and possibly increase your tips. A free certificate and wallet card given immediately after completion.

You will learn all the "compliance" material and, as an added bonus, you will learn some hard-won industry insights. We work directly with the states that we represent so that your training is current, concise, accurate, and highly approved. With our alcohol certification program, we give you the tools to learn to serve responsibly, a sense of responsibility, and respect for your community and your work environment.

Serving Alcohol has over 35 years of experience teaching alcohol certification principles and in-depth knowledge. You'll learn alcohol awareness training, intervention techniques, server duties, carding procedures, and state laws. All in a simple online alcohol server training course that is easy to understand and comprehend. If you're a bartender, waiter/waitress, server, or manager looking to achieve your Arizona bartending license or server permit today, this is the course you need.

  • Online interactive and self-paced training
  • 100% Pass Guarantee or your money back
  • 24/7 USA-Based Customer Support Center